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if I were to die

  • 1 die for dying for something

    die for/be dying for something/to do something гореть желанием, сгорать от нетерпения; страстно желать

    I’m dying for a drink.

    They were all dying to go to Paris.

    My mother is dying to meet you in person.

    Англо-русский словарь идиом и фразовых глаголов > die for dying for something

  • 2 die for dying to do something

    die for/be dying for something/to do something гореть желанием, сгорать от нетерпения; страстно желать

    I’m dying for a drink.

    They were all dying to go to Paris.

    My mother is dying to meet you in person.

    Англо-русский словарь идиом и фразовых глаголов > die for dying to do something

  • 3 die papieren lagen onder het stof bedolven

    die papieren lagen onder het stof bedolven

    Van Dale Handwoordenboek Nederlands-Engels > die papieren lagen onder het stof bedolven

  • 4 were scarcely noticed

    die Ereignisse etc. wurden kaum beachtet

    English-German idiom dictionary > were scarcely noticed

  • 5 die

    I best. Art.
    1. (Nom. Sg.) the; die eine ist fleißig, die andere faul the one is hard-working, the other (one) is lazy; die Frau (alle Frauen) woman(kind); die Erde earth; die Königin Elisabeth Queen Elizabeth; die Königstraße the King’s Road; die Chemie chemistry; die kleine Maria little Maria; die Maria, die ich meine the Maria (who) I mean
    2. (Akk Sg.) the; die Regel kennen know the rule
    3. (Nom. Pl. von der, die, das) the; die Menschen sind sterblich man(kind) is (but) mortal
    4. (Akk Pl. von der, die, das) the; die Bücher lesen read the books
    II Dem. Pron.
    1. (Nom. Sg.) that (one), this (one); she; die Frau hier this woman; die mit dem Hut the one with the hat; nur die kann das verstehen, die... only she ( oder that woman) who... can understand; die und baden gehen? you won’t catch her going swimming; die und ehrlich? Dass ich nicht lache! her - honest? Pull the other one! (Am. Give me a break!); die Frage ist die:... the question is (this):...
    2. (Akk Sg.) that (one), this (one); er hat die und die Lösung probiert umg. he tried this and that solution
    3. (Nom. Pl. von der, die, das) these, those, they, them; das entscheiden die da oben umg. that is decided by them up top
    4. (Akk Pl. von der, die, das) these, those, they, them
    III Rel. Pron.
    1. (Nom. Sg.) bei Personen: who; bei Sachen: which, that; sie war die Erste, die es erfuhr she was the first to know; jede, die... anyone who...; ich, die ich selbst dabei war I, who was there myself
    2. (Akk Sg.) bei Personen: who(m förm.), that; bei Sachen: which, that
    3. (Nom. Pl. von der, die, das) bei Personen: who, that; bei Sachen: which, that; die Blumen, die blühen the flowers that are blooming ( oder in bloom)
    4. (Akk Pl. von der, die, das) bei Personen: who, that, whom förm.; bei Sachen: which, that; die Blumen, die ich gepflückt habe the flowers (that) I picked
    * * *
    the (ArtikelSing.); the (ArtikelPl.)
    * * *
    [diː] [diː] See: der
    * * *
    I. art def, nom und akk sing f
    1. (allgemein) the
    \die Mutter/Pflanze/Theorie the mother/plant/theory
    durch \die Luft/Menge/Tür through the air/crowd/door
    2. (bei Körperteilen)
    ihr blutet \die Nase her nose is bleeding
    sich dat \die Hand verletzen to injure one's hand
    \die Demokratie/Geschichte/Kunst democracy/history/art
    \die Hoffnung/Liebe/Verzweiflung hope/love/desperation
    \die Bronze/Wolle bronze/wool; (bei spezifischen Stoffen) the
    \die Wolle dieses Schafs the wool from this sheep
    \die Frau des Jahres the woman of the year
    das ist \die Idee! that's just the idea we've been looking for!
    \die Donau the Danube
    \die Franzstraße Franzstraße
    \die Schweiz/Türkei Switzerland/Turkey
    \die Schweiz der Zwischenkriegszeit interwar Switzerland
    \die ‚Alinghi‘ gewann 2003 den America's Cup the ‘Alinghi’ won the 2003 America's Cup
    \die junge Bettina young Bettina
    \die frühere Blyton the earlier Blyton
    sie war nicht mehr \die Martina, die... she was no longer the Martina who...
    ich bin \die Susi I'm Susi
    hast du \die Mutti gesehen? have you seen [my] mum?
    \die Callas/Knef/Piaf Callas/Knef/Piaf
    \die Frau in der Gesellschaft women in society
    als \die Dampfmaschine Europa eroberte when the steam engine took Europe by storm
    10. (nach Angaben)
    20 Kilogramm \die Kiste 20 kilograms a [or per] crate
    11. (vor Angaben)
    Elisabeth \die Erste Elizabeth the First
    12. (vor Substantiviertem)
    \die Hübsche the pretty girl/one
    \die Älteste/Jüngste the oldest/youngest [one]
    \die Arme! the poor girl/woman [or thing]!
    II. pron dem, nom und akk sing f
    1. attr, betont
    \die Frau war es! it was that woman!
    \die Halskette will ich kaufen I want to buy this/that necklace
    \die Marke da that brand [there]
    \die Marke hier this brand [here]
    um \die und \die Zeit at such and such a time; s.a. das, der
    \die war es! it was her!
    \die hat es getan! it was her that [or who] did it!
    \die sagte mir,... she told me...
    welche Tür? \die da? oder \die hier? which door? that one [there]? or this one [here]?
    wer ist denn \die [da]? (fam) who on earth is she [or that]?
    \die und joggen? her, jogging?
    \die und \die such and such
    \die mit dem Hund the one [or fam her] with the dog
    welche Pfanne? — \die mit dem Deckel which pan? — the/this/that one with the lid
    ach \die! (pej) oh her!
    die Chefin? \die ist nicht da the boss? she's not there
    deine Tochter, \die ist nicht gekommen your daughter, she didn't come
    meine Brosche! \die ist weg! my brooch! it's gone!
    die dumme Gans, \die! the silly goose!
    die Geschichte ist \die:... the story is as follows:...
    \die, die ich meinte the one I meant
    wo ist deine Schwester? — \die kommt gleich where's your sister? — she'll be here soon
    eine gute Frage! aber wie können wir \die beantworten? a good question! but how can we answer it?
    willst du meine Katze streichen? — kratzt \die? do you want to stroke my cat? — does it/he/she scratch?
    III. pron rel, nom und akk sing f
    1. that; (Person a.) who/whom form; (Gegenstand, Tier a.) which
    eine Geschichte, \die Millionen gelesen haben [o von Millionen gelesen wurde] a story [that has been] read by millions [or [that] millions have read]
    ich sah eine Wolke, \die hinter dem Berg verschwand I saw a cloud disappear behind the mountain
    eine Show, \die gut ankommt a much-acclaimed show
    die Königin, \die vierzig Jahre herrschte,... (einschränkend) the queen who [or that] reigned for forty years...; (nicht einschränkend) the queen, who reigned for forty years,...
    die Liste, \die ich gestern erstellt hatte,... (einschränkend) the list that [or which] I had drawn up yesterday...; (nicht einschränkend) the list, which I had drawn up yesterday,...
    die Mörderin, \die von der Polizei gesucht wird,... (einschränkend) the murderess [who [or that]] the police are searching for..., the murderess for whom the police are searching... form; (nicht einschränkend) the murderess, who the police are searching for,..., the murderess, for whom the police are searching,... form
    die verbrecherische Tat, \die von den Ermittlern untersucht werden soll,... (einschränkend) the crime [that [or which]] the investigators have to look into..., the crime into which the investigators have to look... form; (nicht einschränkend) the crime, which the investigators have to look into,..., the crime, into which the investigators have to look,... form
    \die mir jetzt hilft, wird belohnt anyone helping [or form she who helps] me now will be rewarded
    \die diesen Brief geschrieben hat, kann gut Deutsch the person/woman who wrote this letter knows good German
    \die zu so etwas fähig ist,... people who are capable of such things...
    I. art def, nom und akk pl
    \die Männer/Mütter/Pferde the men/mothers/horses
    durch \die Flüsse/Türen/Wälder through the rivers/doors/woods
    \die Engländer/Franzosen/Spanier the English/French/Spanish pl
    mir tun \die Füße weh my feet are aching
    sich dat \die Haare schneiden to cut one's hair
    \die Everglades/Niederlande the Everglades/Netherlands
    das sind \die Werners these/those are the Werners
    kennen Sie \die Grübers? do you know the Grübers?
    \die Bäume geben Sauerstoff ab trees give off oxygen
    \die Auserwählten the chosen ones
    \die Besten the best [ones]
    \die Toten the dead pl
    II. pron dem, nom und akk pl
    1. attr, betont
    \die zwei Männer waren es! it was those two men!
    \die Schuhe trage ich nie mehr! I won't be wearing these/those shoes [or these/those shoes I won't be wearing] any more!
    \die Ohrringe da those earrings [there]
    \die Ohrringe hier these earrings [here]
    \die waren es! it was them!
    \die haben es getan! it was them that [or who] did it!
    \die sagten mir,... they told me...
    \die da oben the high-ups fam
    welche Bücher? \die da? oder \die hier? which books? those [ones] [there]? or these [ones] [here]?
    wer sind denn \die [da]? (fam) who on earth are they?
    \die und joggen? them, jogging?
    \die und \die such and such
    \die in dem Auto the ones [or fam them] in the car
    welche Zettel? — \die auf dem Tisch which notes? — the ones/these [ones]/those [ones] on the table
    ach \die! (pej) oh them!
    die Schmidts? \die sind nicht da the Schmidts? they're not there
    deine Eltern, wo sind \die? your parents, where are they?
    meine Socken! \die sind weg! my socks! they're gone!
    die Scheißkerle, \die! the bastards!
    die Gründe sind \die:... the reasons are as follows:...
    \die, die ich meinte the ones I meant
    was machen deine Brüder? — \die arbeiten what do your brothers do? — they work
    gute Fragen! aber wie können wir \die beantworten? good questions! but how can we answer them?
    habe ich dir meine Hamster gezeigt? — wo sind \die? have I shown you my hamsters? — where are they?
    III. pron rel, nom und akk pl
    1. that; (Person a.) who/whom form; (Gegenstand, Tier a.) which
    Geschichten, \die Millionen gelesen haben [o von Millionen gelesen wurden] stories [that have been] read by millions [or [that] millions have read]
    ich sah zwei Autos, \die um die Ecke fuhren I saw two cars driving around the corner
    Taten, \die gut ankommen much-acclaimed deeds
    die Abgeordneten, \die dagegenstimmten,... (einschränkend) the MPs who [or that] voted against...; (nicht einschränkend) the MPs, who voted against,...
    die Möbel, \die wir morgen liefern müssen,... (einschränkend) the furniture that [or which] we have to deliver tomorrow...; (nicht einschränkend) the furniture, which we have to deliver tomorrow,...
    die Bankräuber, \die von der Polizei gesucht werden,... (einschränkend) the bank robbers [who [or that]] the police are searching for..., the bank robbers for whom the police are searching... form; (nicht einschränkend) the bank robbers, who the police are searching for,..., the bank robbers, for whom the police are searching,... form
    die Verbrechen, \die von den Ermittlern untersucht werden sollen,... (einschränkend) the crimes [that [or which]] the investigators have to look into..., the crimes into which the investigators have to look... form; (nicht einschränkend) the crimes, which the investigators have to look into,..., the crimes, into which the investigators have to look,... form
    \die diese Stadt gebaut haben, verdienen einen Platz in der Geschichte the people/men/women [or form those] who built this town deserve a place in history; s.a. das, der
    * * *
    I 1.
    bestimmter Artikel Nom. the

    die Liebe/Freundschaft — love/friendship

    die ‘Iphigenie’/ (ugs.) Helga — ‘Iphigenia’/Helga

    die Frau/Menschheit — women pl./mankind

    die ‘Concorde’/‘Klaus Störtebeker’ — ‘Concorde’/the ‘Klaus Störtebeker’

    die Kunst/Oper — art/opera

    1) attr

    die und arbeiten!(ugs.) [what,] her work!

    die mit dem Hund(ugs.) her with the dog

    die [da] — (Frau, Mädchen) that woman/girl; (Gegenstand, Tier) that one

    die blöd[e] Kuh, die! — (fig. salopp) what a silly cow! (sl. derog.)

    Relativpronomen Nom. (Mensch) who; that; (Sache, Tier) which; that

    die Frau, die da drüben entlanggeht — the woman walking along over there

    Relativ- und Demonstrativpronomen the one who

    die das getan hatthe woman etc. who did it

    II 1.
    bestimmter Artikel
    1) Akk. Sg. v. die I 1: the

    hast du die Ute gesehen?(ugs.) have you seen Ute?

    2) Nom. u. Akk. Pl. v. der I 1., die I 1., das 1.: the
    Demonstrativpronomen Nom. u. Akk. Pl. v. der I 1., die I 1., das 1.: attr

    ich meine die Männer, die gestern hier waren — 1 mean those men who were here yesterday; allein stehend

    ich meine die [da] — 1 mean 'them

    1) Akk. Sg. v. die I 3.: (bei Menschen) who; that; (bei Sachen, Tieren) which; that
    2) Nom. u. Akk. Pl. v. der I 3., die I 3., das 3.: (bei Menschen) whom

    die Männer, die ich gesehen habe — the men 1 saw; (bei Sachen, Tieren) which

    die Bücher, die da liegen — the books lying there

    * * *
    A. best art
    1. (nom sg) the;
    die eine ist fleißig, die andere faul the one is hard-working, the other (one) is lazy;
    die Frau (alle Frauen) woman(kind);
    die Erde earth;
    die Königin Elisabeth Queen Elizabeth;
    die Königstraße the King’s Road;
    die Chemie chemistry;
    die kleine Maria little Maria;
    die Maria, die ich meine the Maria (who) I mean
    2. (akk sg) the;
    die Regel kennen know the rule
    3. (nom pl von der, die, das) the;
    die Menschen sind sterblich man(kind) is (but) mortal
    4. (akk pl von der, die, das) the;
    die Bücher lesen read the books
    B. dem pr
    1. (nom sg) that (one), this (one); she;
    die Frau hier this woman;
    die mit dem Hut the one with the hat;
    nur die kann das verstehen, die … only she ( oder that woman) who … can understand;
    die und baden gehen? you won’t catch her going swimming;
    die und ehrlich? Dass ich nicht lache! her - honest? Pull the other one! (US Give me a break!);
    die Frage ist die: … the question is (this): …
    2. (akk sg) that (one), this (one);
    er hat die und die Lösung probiert umg he tried this and that solution
    3. (nom pl von der, die, das) these, those, they, them;
    das entscheiden die da oben umg that is decided by them up top
    4. (akk pl von der, die, das) these, those, they, them
    C. rel pr
    1. (nom sg) bei Personen: who; bei Sachen: which, that;
    sie war die Erste, die es erfuhr she was the first to know;
    jede, die … anyone who …;
    ich, die ich selbst dabei war I, who was there myself
    2. (akk sg) bei Personen: who(m form), that; bei Sachen: which, that
    3. (nom pl von der, die, das) bei Personen: who, that; bei Sachen: which, that;
    die Blumen, die blühen the flowers that are blooming ( oder in bloom)
    4. (akk pl von der, die, das) bei Personen: who, that, whom form; bei Sachen: which, that;
    die Blumen, die ich gepflückt habe the flowers (that) I picked
    * * *
    I 1.
    bestimmter Artikel Nom. the

    die Liebe/Freundschaft — love/friendship

    die ‘Iphigenie’/ (ugs.) Helga — ‘Iphigenia’/Helga

    die Frau/Menschheit — women pl./mankind

    die ‘Concorde’/‘Klaus Störtebeker’ — ‘Concorde’/the ‘Klaus Störtebeker’

    die Kunst/Oper — art/opera

    1) attr

    die und arbeiten!(ugs.) [what,] her work!

    die mit dem Hund(ugs.) her with the dog

    die [da] — (Frau, Mädchen) that woman/girl; (Gegenstand, Tier) that one

    die blöde Kuh, die! — (fig. salopp) what a silly cow! (sl. derog.)

    Relativpronomen Nom. (Mensch) who; that; (Sache, Tier) which; that

    die Frau, die da drüben entlanggeht — the woman walking along over there

    Relativ- und Demonstrativpronomen the one who

    die das getan hatthe woman etc. who did it

    II 1.
    bestimmter Artikel
    1) Akk. Sg. v. die I 1: the

    hast du die Ute gesehen?(ugs.) have you seen Ute?

    2) Nom. u. Akk. Pl. v. der I 1., die I 1., das 1.: the
    Demonstrativpronomen Nom. u. Akk. Pl. v. der I 1., die I 1., das 1.: attr

    ich meine die Männer, die gestern hier waren — 1 mean those men who were here yesterday; allein stehend

    ich meine die [da] — 1 mean 'them

    1) Akk. Sg. v. die I 3.: (bei Menschen) who; that; (bei Sachen, Tieren) which; that
    2) Nom. u. Akk. Pl. v. der I 3., die I 3., das 3.: (bei Menschen) whom

    die Männer, die ich gesehen habe — the men 1 saw; (bei Sachen, Tieren) which

    die Bücher, die da liegen — the books lying there

    * * *
    the art. pron.
    which pron.
    who pron.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > die

  • 6 die Leute

    - {folk} người, người thân thuộc, dân tộc, dân gian - {gentry} tầng lớp quý tộc nhỏ, ghuộm hạng người - {people} nhân dân, dân chúng, quần chúng, người ta, thiên hạ, gia đình, bà con, họ hàng, những người tuỳ tùng, những người theo hầu, những người làm - {popular} = viele Leute {many people}+ = diese Leute {these people}+ = wenig Leute {few people}+ = solche Leute {these kind of people}+ = Leute wie wir {the likes of us}+ = die meisten Leute {most people}+ = ein paar Leute {a sprinkling of people}+ = die vornehmen Leute {gentlefolks}+ = die achtbaren Leute {men of repute}+ = ungeheuer viel Leute {tons of people}+ = Kleider machen Leute {fine feathers make fine birds}+ = alle möglichen Leute {all sorts of people}+ = eine ganze Menge Leute {quite a number of people}+ = unheimlich viele Leute {a tremendous number of people}+ = Sie sind anständige Leute. {they're respectable people.}+ = wir sind geschiedene Leute {it's all over between us; we have done with each other}+ = viele Leute wurden verletzt {many people were hurt}+ = andere Leute schlechtmachen {to run down other people}+ = was werden die Leute sagen? {what will Mrs. Grundy say?}+ = Leute, die jünger sind als ich {my juniors}+ = Leute gingen unbekümmert aus und ein {People were in and out all day like nobody's business}+

    Deutsch-Vietnamesisch Wörterbuch > die Leute

  • 7 die

    I [daɪ]
    1) (pl. dice) (game) dado m.
    2) tecn. (for stamping) stampo m.; (for screw threads) filiera f.
    II 1. [daɪ]

    to die a violent death, a hero's death — morire di morte violenta, da eroe

    1) (expire) [ animal] morire; [ person] morire, decedere

    to die of o from — morire di [starvation, disease]

    2) (be killed) morire, perire ( doing facendo)

    I'd sooner o rather die (than do) preferirei morire (piuttosto che fare); to die for — morire per [beliefs, person]

    3) (wither) [ plant] morire; [ crop] seccare, rovinarsi
    4) fig. morire

    I wanted to die o I could have died when avrei voluto o volevo morire quando; I nearly o could have died laughing — per poco non morivo dal ridere

    5) colloq. (long)

    to be dying for — morire dalla voglia di [ coffee]; morire dietro a [ person]

    to be dying for sb. to do — desiderare ardentemente che qcn. faccia

    6) (go out) [light, flame] spegnersi
    7) (fade) [ love] spegnersi; [memory, fame] estinguersi; [ enthusiasm] smorzarsi, raffreddarsi
    8) scherz. (cease functioning) [machine, engine] arrestarsi, fermarsi, spegnersi
    9) colloq. [ comedian] fare fiasco
    * * *
    I present participle - dying; verb
    1) (to lose life; to stop living and become dead: Those flowers are dying; She died of old age.)
    2) (to fade; to disappear: The daylight was dying fast.)
    3) (to have a strong desire (for something or to do something): I'm dying for a drink; I'm dying to see her.)
    - die away
    - die down
    - die hard
    - die off
    - die out
    II noun
    (a stamp or punch for making raised designs on money, paper etc.)
    III see dice
    * * *
    die /daɪ/
    1 (pl. dice) dado ( da gioco)
    2 (mecc.: pl. dies) conio ( per monete); stampo; filiera ( per filo metallico, per filettare viti)
    3 (elettron.) piastrina
    4 (archit.: pl. dies) plinto; zoccolo
    ● (tecn.) die block, blocco stampo; matrice di estrusione □ (metall.) die-casting, pressofusione; pezzo ottenuto per pressofusione □ (tecn.) die chaser, filiera □ (tecn.) die cutting, fustellatura □ (metall.) die drawing, trafilatura □ (metall.) die forging, fucinatura a stampo □ (metall.) die forming, stampaggio □ die-sinker, fabbricante di stampi per monete o medaglie; stampista □ (tecn.) die-sinking, lavorazione degli stampi □ (tecn.) die-stamping, punzonatura □ (fig.) as straight (o true) as a die, totalmente onesto □ the die is cast, il dado è tratto.
    ♦ (to) die /daɪ/
    A v. i.
    1 morire ( anche fig.): He died of natural causes, è morto per cause naturali; to die of (o from) cancer, morire di cancro; He died of ( o from) his wounds three days later, è morto per le ferite riportate tre giorni dopo; They died in a plane crash, sono morti in un incidente aereo; These people are willing to die for democracy, questa gente è disposta a morire per la democrazia; to die of a broken heart, morire di crepacuore; to die young [poor, childless], morire giovane [povero, senza figli]; to die a happy [wealthy] man, morire felice [ricco]; to die a hero [a martyr], morire da eroe [da martire]; He died to save us, è morto per salvarci; I'd rather die! (o I'd die first!), preferirei morire!; piuttosto la morte!; Love never dies, l'amore non muore mai; All hope has died, tutte le speranze sono morte NOTA D'USO: - morire-
    2 (fam.) to be dying of hunger [thirst, boredom, curiosity, etc.], morire di fame [di sete, dalla noia, dalla curiosità, ecc.]; to be dying for st. [to do st.], morire dalla voglia di qc. [di fare qc.]: I'm dying for a glass of wine, muoio dalla voglia di un bicchiere di vino; They were dying to know, morivano dalla voglia di sapere cos'era successo
    3 (mecc.) non funzionare più; ( di un motore) spegnersi: My printer's died, non mi funziona più la stampante; The engine suddenly died on me, il motore mi si è spento di colpo
    4 ( del fuoco) morire, spegnersi: to let the fire die, lasciar morire il fuoco
    5 ( del vento) cessare; calare: The wind died and the race had to be abandoned, è calato il vento si è dovuto interrompere la gara
    6 ( di un comico, ecc.) fare fiasco: To die in front of an audience is the most awful experience, fare fiasco davanti al pubblico è l'esperienza più terribile
    B v. t.
    fare ( una data morte); morire di: to die a natural [violent] death, morire di morte naturale [violenta]; to die a glorious death, fare una morte gloriosa; to die a hero's death, morire da eroe; fare una morte eroica; to die a sudden death, morire improvvisamente
    to die by one's own hand, morire di propria mano; darsi la morte □ (fam. GB) to die a death, scomparire; ( di progetto, ecc.) fallire: Some people think the printed book will die a death within the next ten years, alcuni pensano che il libro stampato scomparirà entro i prossimi dieci anni □ (fam.) to die for, fantastico; strepitoso □ to die hard, essere duro a morire: Old superstitions die hard, le vecchie superstizioni sono dure a morire □ to die in one's bed, morire nel proprio letto □ to die in harness, morire sulla breccia; morire al proprio posto di lavoro □ (fam.) to die on its feet, essere lì per fallire: When he took over, the show was dying on its feet, quando è subentrato, lo spettacolo era lì per fallire □ (fam.) to be dying on one's feet, non stare in piedi dalla stanchezza □ in the dying minutes [seconds, moments], negli ultimissimi minuti [secondi, istanti]: Chelsea scored in the dying seconds of the game, il Chelsea ha segnato negli ultimissimi secondi della partita □ to die of laughter (o fam. to die laughing), morire dal ridere □ to die with one's boots on, morire combattendo; morire sulla breccia □ (fam.) I nearly died! (o I could have died!, USA: I just died!), credevo di morire! ( per l'imbarazzo, la sorpresa, ecc.) □ Never say die!, mai arrendersi!; mai disperare! □ to one's dying day (o to the day one dies), fino alla morte □ with one's dying breath, fino all'ultimo respiro.
    * * *
    I [daɪ]
    1) (pl. dice) (game) dado m.
    2) tecn. (for stamping) stampo m.; (for screw threads) filiera f.
    II 1. [daɪ]

    to die a violent death, a hero's death — morire di morte violenta, da eroe

    1) (expire) [ animal] morire; [ person] morire, decedere

    to die of o from — morire di [starvation, disease]

    2) (be killed) morire, perire ( doing facendo)

    I'd sooner o rather die (than do) preferirei morire (piuttosto che fare); to die for — morire per [beliefs, person]

    3) (wither) [ plant] morire; [ crop] seccare, rovinarsi
    4) fig. morire

    I wanted to die o I could have died when avrei voluto o volevo morire quando; I nearly o could have died laughing — per poco non morivo dal ridere

    5) colloq. (long)

    to be dying for — morire dalla voglia di [ coffee]; morire dietro a [ person]

    to be dying for sb. to do — desiderare ardentemente che qcn. faccia

    6) (go out) [light, flame] spegnersi
    7) (fade) [ love] spegnersi; [memory, fame] estinguersi; [ enthusiasm] smorzarsi, raffreddarsi
    8) scherz. (cease functioning) [machine, engine] arrestarsi, fermarsi, spegnersi
    9) colloq. [ comedian] fare fiasco

    English-Italian dictionary > die

  • 8 die off

    (to die quickly or in large numbers: Herds of cattle were dying off because of the drought.) dø en efter en
    * * *
    (to die quickly or in large numbers: Herds of cattle were dying off because of the drought.) dø en efter en

    English-Danish dictionary > die off

  • 9 die

    I present participle - dying; verb
    1) (to lose life; to stop living and become dead: Those flowers are dying; She died of old age.) umreti
    2) (to fade; to disappear: The daylight was dying fast.) pojemati, izginjati
    3) (to have a strong desire (for something or to do something): I'm dying for a drink; I'm dying to see her.) hrepeneti
    - die away
    - die down
    - die hard
    - die off
    - die out
    II noun
    (a stamp or punch for making raised designs on money, paper etc.) matrica
    III see dice
    * * *
    I [dai]
    intransitive verb (of od, zaradi) umreti, izdihniti, poginiti; ugasniti, ugašati; umiriti se; (o)veneti; colloquially hrepeneti
    to die in one's boots, to die with the boots ( —ali shoes) onumreti nasilne smrti
    to die game — hrabro umreti; ostati zvest
    to be dying for s.th.hrepeneti po čem
    II [dai]
    matrica, vrezilo
    plural dice [dai, dais]
    noun igralna kocka
    the die is cast — kocka je padla, nazaj ni poti
    as straight as a die — čisto raven; velik poštenjak
    upon the die — na kocki, v nevarnosti
    to risk all on a turn ( —ali the throw) of a die — vse staviti, vse prepustiti naključju
    the dice are loaded against him — nima sreče, usoda mu ni naklonjena

    English-Slovenian dictionary > die

  • 10 die

    1) умирать, скончаться, умереть

    In a severe winter, wild animals can die from lack of food. — В суровые зимы дикие звери могут умирать с голоду.

    She must weep or she will die. — Ей нужно выплакаться, иначе она умрет.

    He died a dreadful death. — Он умер ужасной смертью.

    That was one thing which had not died on her, the love of birds. — Единственное, что еще осталось в ней, это любовь к птицам.

    - die of an illness
    - die from wounds
    - die for one's country
    - die for smb
    - die young
    - die a beggar
    - die in one's bed
    - die on smb
    - die by violence
    - die a sudden death
    - die a hero's death
    2) (обыкновенно Cont.) очень хотеть
    - be dying for a drink
    - be dying to see the play
    - man can die but once
    - he that dies pays all debts
    - better to die standing than to live kneeling
    - never say die
    (1.) Глагол to die обязательно сопровождается указанием времени, места, причины, обстоятельств процесса умирания и обозначает действие в цепи событий, в отличие от сочетания с прилагательным dead - to be dead, которое указывает только на сам факт: he died when I was five он умер, когда мне было пять лет, ср. all his relatives were dead все его родные умерли. (2.) Предлоги of и from, с которыми употребляется глагол to die, различают характер причины смерти. Конструкция to die of употребляется тогда, когда причиной является болезнь: to die of heart attack (of fever) умереть от инфаркта (от лихорадки); конструкция to die from - если причиной является повреждение, нанесенное организму: to die from wounds умереть от ран. (3.) For die 1.; See dead, adj

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > die

  • 11 die

    v умирать: to die of/from smth — умирать от чего-либо; to die for smth, smb — умирать за что-либо, за кого-либо (1). Глагол to die обязательно сопровождается указанием времени, места, причины, обстоятельств процесса умирания и обозначает действие в цепи событий, в отличие от сочетания с прилагательным dead to be dead, которое указывает только на сам факт:

    He died when I was five — Он умер, когда мне было пять лет.

    Ср. All his relatives were dead — Все его родные умерли.

    (2). Предлоги of и from, с которыми употребляется глагол to die, различают характер причины смерти. Конструкция to die of употребляется тогда, когда причиной является болезнь:

    to die of heart attack (of fever) — умереть от инфаркта (от лихорадки);

    конструкция to die from — если причиной является повреждение, нанесенное организму:

    to die from wounds — умереть от ран.

    (3). See dead, a.

    English-Russian word troubles > die

  • 12 die Summe

    - {aggregate} khối tập hợp, khối kết tập, thể tụ tập, toàn bộ, toàn thể, tổng số, kết tập - {amount} số lượng, số nhiều, thực chất, giá trị thực, tầm quan trọng, ý nghĩa - {sum} tổng, số tiền, nội dung tổng quát, bài toán số học - {tot} một chút, một chút xíu, trẻ nhỏ tinny tot), hớp, ly nhỏ, tổng cộng, số cộng lại - {total} - {tune} điệu, giai điệu, sự đúng điệu, sự hoà âm, sự hoà hợp sự hoà thuận, sự cao hứng, sự hứng thú = die ganze Summe {lump sum}+ = die große Summe {pot}+ = die übrige Summe {the remainders}+ = die geringe Summe {chickenfeed}+ = die doppelte Summe {twice the sum}+ = eine große Summe {a long sum}+ = eine nette Summe {a fair sum}+ = die überzogene Summe {overdraft}+ = eine gewaltige Summe {a king's ransom}+ = eine bestimmte Summe {a given sum}+ = die Summe wurde uns ausgezahlt {we were paid the sum}+ = durch Hinterlegung einer Summe decken {to margin}+

    Deutsch-Vietnamesisch Wörterbuch > die Summe

  • 13 die off

    intransitive verb
    [Pflanzen, Tiere:] [nacheinander] eingehen; [Blätter:] [nacheinander] absterben; [Personen:] [nacheinander] sterben
    * * *
    (to die quickly or in large numbers: Herds of cattle were dying off because of the drought.) wegsterben
    * * *
    vi species aussterben; customs aussterben, in Vergessenheit geraten; flower, leaves, plant absterben
    * * *
    (hin)wegsterben; (animals, people also) (der Reihe nach) sterben
    * * *
    die off v/i hin-, wegsterben
    * * *
    intransitive verb
    [Pflanzen, Tiere:] [nacheinander] eingehen; [Blätter:] [nacheinander] absterben; [Personen:] [nacheinander] sterben
    * * *
    absterben v.

    English-german dictionary > die off

  • 14 die Mühe

    - {ado} việc làm, công việc, sự khó nhọc, sự khó khăn, công sức, sự rối rít, sự hối hả ngược xuôi - {care} sự chăn sóc, sự chăm nom, sự giữ gìn, sự bảo dưỡng, sự chăm chú, sự chú ý, sự cẩn thận, sự thận trọng, sự lo âu, sự lo lắng - {effort} sự cố gắng, sự ráng sức, sự cố thử làm, sự ra tay, kết quả đạt được - {hardship} sự gian khổ, sự thử thách gay go - {labour} lao động, công việc nặng nhọc, tầng lớp lao động, nhân công, đau đẻ - {sweat} mồ hôi, " Mồ hôi", sự ra mồ hôi, sự làm đổ mồ hôi, công việc vất vả, việc khó nhọc, sự tập luyện, sự lo ngại - {trouble} điều lo lắng, điều phiền muộn, sự làm phiền, sự quấy rầy, điều phiền hà, sự chịu khó, tình trạng bất an, tình trạng rắc rối, tình trạng lộn xộn, tình trạng rối loạn, trạng thái khó ở - tình trạng mắc bệnh, bệnh, sự hỏng hóc, sự trục trắc - {tug} sự kéo mạnh, sự giật mạnh, tugboat = mit Mühe {hard}+ = ohne Mühe {at a canter; without striking a blow}+ = der Mühe wert {worthwhile}+ = Mühe machen {to give trouble}+ = endlose Mühe {no end of trouble}+ = nur mit Mühe {hardly}+ = der Mühe wert sein {to be worth while}+ = sich Mühe geben {to take care; to take pains}+ = sich Mühe geben [mit] {to take trouble [over]}+ = keine Mühe scheuen {to spare no effort}+ = das ist verlorene Mühe {that's a waste of effort}+ = es ist der Mühe wert {it's worth the trouble}+ = sich die Mühe machen {to take the trouble}+ = sich die Mühe machen [zu tun] {to trouble [to do]}+ = sich große Mühe geben {to take great pains}+ = meine Mühe war umsonst {my efforts were wasted}+ = er gab sich große Mühe {he tried hard}+ = wir scheuten keine Mühe {we spared no pains}+ = Sie gab sich große Mühe. {She tried hard.}+ = Sie macht mir viel Mühe. {She gives me a lot of trouble.}+ = sich die größte Mühe geben {to try hard}+ = es ist nicht der Mühe wert {it is not worth the trouble}+ = sich besondere Mühe machen [um,um zu] {to put oneself out of the way [for,to do]}+ = Es ist nicht der Mühe wert. {It's not worth worrying about.}+ = sich alle erdenkliche Mühe geben {to try one's utmost}+ = er gibt sich herzlich wenig Mühe {to takes mighty little trouble}+ = meine Mühe ist mir schlecht gedankt worden {I was a fool for my pains}+

    Deutsch-Vietnamesisch Wörterbuch > die Mühe

  • 15 die off

    (to die quickly or in large numbers: Herds of cattle were dying off because of the drought.) morir uno por uno, ir muriendo
    v + adv ir* muriendo
    VI + ADV [plants, animals] morirse, desaparecer
    * * *
    v + adv ir* muriendo

    English-spanish dictionary > die off

  • 16 die off

    (to die quickly or in large numbers: Herds of cattle were dying off because of the drought.) veslast upp einn af öðrum; deyja unnvörpum

    English-Icelandic dictionary > die off

  • 17 die off

    (to die quickly or in large numbers: Herds of cattle were dying off because of the drought.) elhull

    English-Hungarian dictionary > die off

  • 18 die off

    (to die quickly or in large numbers: Herds of cattle were dying off because of the drought.) morrer

    English-Portuguese dictionary > die off

  • 19 die off

    yavaş yavaş ölmek, tükenmek
    * * *
    birer birer öl
    * * *
    (to die quickly or in large numbers: Herds of cattle were dying off because of the drought.) birer birer ölmek

    English-Turkish dictionary > die off

  • 20 die off

    (to die quickly or in large numbers: Herds of cattle were dying off because of the drought.) umirati
    * * *
    intransitive verb izumirati, izumreti, slabeti; ugašati; propadati

    English-Slovenian dictionary > die off

См. также в других словарях:

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  • Die Reihe — was a German language music journal, edited by Herbert Eimert and Karlheinz Stockhausen and published by Universal Edition (Vienna) between 1955 and 1962 (ISSN 0486 3267). An English edition was published, under the original German title,… …   Wikipedia

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